Sunday, November 17, 2013

Top 10 Weird Mythological Monsters

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You believe me or not, but it's quite true that Monsters have apprehended our imaginations since immemorial. Wherever we live, our mythologies, fairy tales, books and movies all are filled up with some horrible monstrous creatures representing evil and negativity. We all grow up listening to many horrible stories from our granny or mom. And we still have the deep imprint of such stories, especially the monsters, and heroes. No doubt, mythologies bring the feeling of severe excitement and danger in our lives inspiring our epic tales of heroism and despair at times. I've made this simple attempt to bring together only few out of many monstrous creatures which still exist in myths from around the globe. Here goes the top 10 list of weirdest mythological monsters!

10. Ogre

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Well, Ogres are the large humanoid hideous monsters features not just in mythology but also in many folktales and fictions. Maybe Ogres are the monsters you used to fear the most while you were a kid because Ogres are often referred to in tales as feeding on babies. It's been said that Ogres are the monsters having gigantic strong body, abundant of hairs and beard, and voracious appetite for feeding on human. Ogres hunt by smelling or following the sound.

9. Sphinx

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The Greek Mythology introduced a dangerous monster called Sphinx. The folklores mythicize Sphinx as one of the most treacherous and merciless creatures having the body of ferocious lion and the head of a beautiful lady. It's been said that Sphinx used to ask a riddle to the people on their way. And if they couldn’t solve the riddle exactly, the Sphinx would kill them mercilessly. According to the mythology, Oedipus was the only person to solve the riddle provided by Sphinx. The riddle asked to Oedipus was tentatively like this:
"What creature is that which in the morning walks upon four feet; upon two feet at daytime, and in the evening upon three?"
Many people interpret the riddle in many different ways, but nobody actually knows what the correct answer was.

8. Fenrir

Fenrir is a monstrous wolf introduced by The Norse Mythology. The mythology depicts Fenrir as a shaggy wolf having gigantic body and is often described as the progeny of Loki who was the God of Trouble. Fenrir used to love human flesh and it'd grow larger ever with each person he'd devour. Many other myths are still popular about Fenrir like he'd use his lower gaping jaw to drag the ground while the upper one to touch the sky.   

7. Loch Ness Monster

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Actually Loch Ness Monster is believed to be a modern day relative of the extinct water dinosaur the plesiosaur. Loch Ness Monster is depicted as cryptid having gigantic body and inhabitant of the Lake of Loch Ness, which is located in Scotland. There are many folktales popular about Loch Ness. It's been said that Loch Ness Monster is seen only a head and neck. You would many people who now claim that they have spotted Loch Ness Monster, but nobody can give the evidence about the existence of Loch Ness Monster.

6. Ghoul

Photo Credit: NMSU
According to Arabic Mythology, Ghoul is a monster or spirit associated with graveyards. They are said to have consuming human flesh and categorized as undead. Ghouls are like One Thousand and One Nights old according to myths. It's said that Ghouls preys on young children and eat dead bodies, drinks blood and etc.

5. Dragons

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No doubt, Dragons rule all the tales of mythological monsters. Dragons are of different categories according to different existing mythologies in throughout the world. And they symbolize different things according to the different myths. European Mythologies say that Dragons live in rivers and have underground lairs. Some Dragons can even talk like humans. Some other tails portray Dragons as evil monsters while Chinese mythologies believe that Dragons are the symbol of heroism, courage, power, and majesty.

4. Yeti

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Yeti is also known as The Abominable Snowman and is quite similar to Bigfoot which is said to have spotted in the jungles of North America. Yeti is said to inhabit the snowy Himalayas of Asia. It's also been said that Yeti is an ape like cryptid and is taller than average human. They are supposedly very aggressive and monstrous. Although nobody has reported seeing or meeting the Yeti but there was a rumor around 1974 that Yeti attacked a Sherpa woman in Nepal Himalayas. As it's been said, the Sherpa woman was grazing her yaks and Yeti attacked her from behind, hit her on the head and grabbed her neck. And well, Yeti also killed some of her yaks too. Interestingly, the Everest Expedition Team of 1954 found some hair specimens on Pangboche Monastery in 19th of March. That specimen was alleged to be a scalp of Yeti.

3. Black Annis

According to English Mythology, there used to be a malevolent creature with blue skin, long claws and yello teeth called Black Annis. Black Annis used to roam around the countryside of Leicestershire (England) and used to feed on lambs and children. It's said that if Black Annis caught any kid, she'd mercilessly tan their skin and then she would wear it around her waist. And you can guess that the parents that time would get their naughty children to behave by claiming Black Annis would come! Well, it's been said.

2. Vampires and Dracula

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Vampires live off of the human blood and possess the ability to turn living breathing humans into undead creatures such as themselves. It's believed that sunlight kills them, and that's why they lurk in dark places. Vampires are believed to be immortal with special powers. They are extremely feral and predatory creatures with their canine teeth lengthen into fangs. Dracula is similar to Vampire but it tends to live alone. According to popular myths, Dracula have more ancient look with black cloak and very piercing canine teeth.

1. Werewolves

Werewolves are half man and half wolf. It is believed that these beasts have ability to transform into monsters at the light of full moon. Interestingly, werewolves are said to live among us and coming out to kill only when there's full moon. Some popular rumors say that werewolves can be controlled via magic.


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