Thursday, November 21, 2013

Top 10 most toxic plants that can kill you

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Many people don't know that there are plants that are highly poisonous, so poisonous that your single bite to these plants is enough to kill you in a matter of minutes. Actually, all plants contain some amount of toxins as their protection against predators. But, we are going to enlist top 10 of the most toxic plants that can take your life. Here goes the list:

10. Doll's Eyes

Photo Credit: dianecordell via Compfight cc

White Baneberries are popularly known as Doll's Eyes as its tiny white berry with a small black dot looks very similar to an eye. It's a flowering plant and the poison is mostly concentrated in the Doll's Eye part. Accidental bite to Doll's Eyes shows immediate sedative effects on cardiac muscles that can cause a quick death of anyone.

9. Jimson Weed

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Jimson Weed contains poisonous tropane alkaloids that can cause poisoning in human and other animals as well. If you happen to eat the seeds and nectar of Jimson Weed, it can kill you. As Jimson Weed has large flowers, mostly the children get attracted to this.

8. Rosary Pea

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Rosary Peas are also popularly known as Jombie Beads or Crab's Eyes. Actually, they are the slender perennial climbers. They are so poisonous that even three milligrams of it is enough to kill human.

7. Angel's Trumpets

Photo Credit: Peter Nijenhuis via Compfight cc

Angel's Trumpets can be found all around the globe and are its flowers come with variety of colors and sizes. The whole plant contains the excessive toxin such as atropine and alkaloids scopolamine that can take your life, if ingested in the body.

6. Monkshood

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Many people know Monkshood with the name Wolfsbane. It is believed that people once used Monkshood to kill the werewolves. People also believe that Monkshood was also used by many ancient warriors to kill their enemies by poisoning water. Monkshood plant contains highly poisonous alkaloids that slight overdose is enough to kill human.

5. White Snakeroot

Photo Credit: milesizz via Compfight cc

White Snakeroot is known to be one of the highly toxic plants. This plant is said to kill people indirectly. Actually, they have white flowers and they blow away tiny fluffy seeds in the wind. When the cattle eat this plant, the toxin called tremetol is absorbed into their milk and meat. The people who consume the milk and meat of infected livestock get the sickness called Milk Sickness. Milk Sickness is known as one of the most dangerous diseases. This disease has taken the life of the mother of Abraham Lincoln.

4. Belladonna

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Mostly known as Deadly Nightshade or Death Cherries, Belladonna is also one of the most toxic plants known in the earth. This plant contains tropane alkaloids that cause delirium and hallucinations. About 10 berries of Belladonna can kill you while only one leaf is enough to take the life of any adult human.

3. Water Hemlock

Water Hemlock is another toxic plant that can kill you. All parts of this plant contain alkaloid coniine which is known to cause stomach pains and progressive paralysis. If you happen to ingest the excessive amount of Water Hemlock, it can take your life. This plant is said to have killed Socrates.

2. Oleander

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According to many people, Oleander is the most poisonous plant in the planet earth. Its plant contains different types of toxins such as Oleandrinn and neriine that can cause dangerous effect on heart. Even a single leaf of Oleander is enough take your life. Not only that but also the smoke from a burning Oleander is reported to cause death.

1. Castor

Have you ever guessed the Castor Plants can be the most poisonous plant in the world? But, it will astound you to know that the Castor plant holds the Guinness World Record for the most toxic plant known in the world. Single Caster seed possess enough ricin to kill an adult within few minutes.


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