Friday, November 15, 2013

Top 10 Simple and Natural Ways to Avoid Pimples

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Pimples are the skin problem we all are afraid of. Of course it's the worst nightmare for girls. And everyone wants to get rid of pimples as soon as possible. Those having oily skin usually face pimples more than others. As everyone has different skins, it's not possible for everyone to get a pimple-free skin. But, solutions are available for pimples as well. There are several cosmetic as well as natural remedies available to get rid of pimples. But Natural remedies are always the best means to avoid or cure pimples without any side effects.
Here, we have listed top 10 simple and natural ways to avoid pimples. We do hope that this list can be of some in avoiding pimples.  

10. Have Healthy Diet

Photo Credit: bangdoll@flickr via Compfight cc

It's always very important to follow particular diet in routine in order to avoid pimples. You should reduce carbohydrates and dairy products. Avoid having sweets and oily foods. It's better to take them in fermented form like in natural yogurt, cheese etc. You should increase the intake of water as it's very effective in avoiding pimples. Vegetarian and healthy diet is essential to avoid pimples.  

9. Follow Hygienic Habits

Photo Credit: Khongthe
It’s always important to follow good hygiene practices in order to stay healthy and fit. You should clean your face at least twice regularly that will help remove dead skin cell from your body. Applying moisturizer after washing your face will help your skin get smooth. Stop popping your pimples. You should not stay in direct sunlight. Avoid over stress and get enough sleep. Regular exercise is another key to good health. Good hygiene practices help you reduce pimples to a great extent.

8. Apply Lemons

Photo Credit: Wikihow
Another simple yet very natural way of avoiding pimples is to apply lemon juice over your face. This will help you get rid of pimples as soon as possible. If you apply fresh lemon over the affected area, it can remove your pimples overnight. But remember that if your skin is very sensitive, you should not use lemon as it might lead to rashes.

7. Apply Honey

Photo Credit: ladyformula
You can use honey as well to avoid pimples. If you apply honey at a regular basis, it helps to stop pimples. It will not only prevent pimples but also helps to cure them. In fact, honey contains antibiotic that reduces inflammation and heals the affected area. Not only that but it can also protect your skin from other infections. 

6. Apply Ice

Photo Credit: boldsky
If you are suffering from pimples, apply some ice over the affected area. It can remove pimples as quickly as possible since it freezes the skin pores and removes the oil and dirt from the skin. It can reduce skin swelling and make the skin smooth as well. You can use crushed ice or cube ice. But remember that you should not apply the ice directly, rather wrap it in cloth and then only apply it in the affected area. Using ice regularly can help you prevent your skin from pimples. Prevention always is better than cure.

5. Apply Toothpaste

Photo Credit: Modernfamilyideas
It's interesting to know but toothpaste is used to cure pimples quickly. If you apply toothpaste over pimples, it will dry them and will make pimples disappear very soon. But you should use white toothpaste as it contains silica. It is advisable that you should apply toothpaste after applying ice over pimples. Then rinse off the toothpaste after 20 minutes. Toothpaste also helps to reduce swelling and provide glowing skin.

4. Rub Garlic

Photo Credit: SantaRosa OLD SKOOL via Compfight cc

Using a raw garlic clove per day helps to purify the blood and prevents pimples. As Garlic contains sulphur which works like an antiseptic and antioxidant. Garlic also works as antiviral and antifungal agent. Rubbing garlic over your pimples makes them vanish very quickly. After rubbing your face with garlic, leave it for five minutes and then wash your face. You can repeat this process five times or more to get faster results.  

3. Apply Baking Soda

Photo Credit: WiseGeek
You can apply a mixture of baking soda with lemon juice for preventing and curing the pimples. Baking soda can be used in any kind of skin as it does not contain any chemicals. You should clean your face before applying the paste of baking soda. Let it dry and wash your face once again with clean water. If you apply moisturizer after washing your face, it will help you get better results.

2. Take Steam

Photo Credit: blogcdn
Steaming will help your skin pores to open up. This will help your skin to breathe and remove all the dirt and oils from your skin. Taking steam therapy for about 20 minutes every day will help you prevent and get rid of pimples. Use moisturizer after steaming. Steaming is considered one of the simplest and natural ways to avoid pimples.

1. Rub Aloe Vera

Photo Credit: HealthyDuniya
Another simple and natural way to avoid pimples is Aloe Vera. Rubbing Aloe Vera is considered one of the great ways to treat pimples. This will also help you avoid pimples. Actually, Aloe Vera will remove oil from your skin and makes it soft and healthy. It can be used to cool down your skin and prevent your skin from any sort of infection as well. Many people use Aloe Vera to cure sun burns and redness in their skins. You should take Aloe Vera from fresh plant and can be applied in regular basis.


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