Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top 10 Things Only Men Can Do

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You must have heard this very popular statement ever said,

"What a man can do, a woman can always do better."

Yeah, it's true that women can do a lot of things quite better than men (and vice versa is true too). And it's very difficult to sort the things only men can do. I am not even kind of sure that I can write perfect top-10 list of things that only men can do.
But, here's the list of 10 things only men can do THE WAY THEY DO. LOL

10. Pee Standing Up

Photo Credit: Darwin Bell via Compfight cc

Facing Full Bladder? No worries, they simply needa find some cover like a tree or something, just unzip and then go, PRETTY SIMPLE! A woman could spend hours just waiting for their turn in the toilet. Well, women can use Shenis to imitate men, but even Shenis can't be that easy.    

9. Go Topless Without Fear

It's not that women can't go topless. Well, they can go topless in beaches, beds, or in movies. But men can go topless in all public places without even the fear of arrest. And most of the boys are very proud of themselves having this quality and why wouldn't they be?

8. Proudly Shave Their Heads

Photo Credit: blmurch via Compfight cc

Can women proudly shave their heads? Nope! But men can. And guys have mastered the bald top as a true lifestyle choice in everyday society.

7. Manscape

Photo Credit: orsorama via Compfight cc

Well, playoff beards and the goatee are strictly the male innovations. They can wear chest, leg, nose, ear hairs proudly.

6. Getting Sexier with the Age

Photo Credit: SalFalko via Compfight cc

The male hormones in men's body help them get fewer wrinkles and stay younger longer. Well, men have nothing to do with those moisturizers, creams and all other skin remedies. Men look sexier with the age.

5. Have Sex with Women

Photo Credit: Today is a good day via Compfight cc

We know that some women also get to have sex with women. But it's not the sex in the way we understand it is. What we call penetration is not possible with women-women terms. Only men are capable to do that.  

4. Getting Erection with No Reason

Photo Credit: red5standingby via Compfight cc

Sometimes, their dick gets harder for no special reason. Well, as women don't have penis there's no question of erection! LOL  

3. Hold on Liquor

Photo Credit: malias via Compfight cc

Actually men are genetically wired to pack it away a lot better than women. The protective enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase helps to break down alcohol quit better. This ultimately means that men can drink more alcohol and they have better tolerance than women.

2. Write on Snow with Pee

Photo Credit: Sebastian Anthony via Compfight cc

Well, this is another quality only men have. They can write their name on snow with pee. Actually they can easily pee in any direction they want. Can women do that? Nope!

1. Impregnate Women

Photo Credit: Diogo A. Figueira via Compfight cc

One other thing only men can do is to impregnate women. Women can't get pregnant without men's sperms. However, new innovations can grow babies out of the womb, only men can make women pregnant.


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