Thursday, November 21, 2013

Top 10 most toxic plants that can kill you

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Many people don't know that there are plants that are highly poisonous, so poisonous that your single bite to these plants is enough to kill you in a matter of minutes. Actually, all plants contain some amount of toxins as their protection against predators. But, we are going to enlist top 10 of the most toxic plants that can take your life. Here goes the list:

10. Doll's Eyes

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White Baneberries are popularly known as Doll's Eyes as its tiny white berry with a small black dot looks very similar to an eye. It's a flowering plant and the poison is mostly concentrated in the Doll's Eye part. Accidental bite to Doll's Eyes shows immediate sedative effects on cardiac muscles that can cause a quick death of anyone.

9. Jimson Weed

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Jimson Weed contains poisonous tropane alkaloids that can cause poisoning in human and other animals as well. If you happen to eat the seeds and nectar of Jimson Weed, it can kill you. As Jimson Weed has large flowers, mostly the children get attracted to this.

8. Rosary Pea

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Rosary Peas are also popularly known as Jombie Beads or Crab's Eyes. Actually, they are the slender perennial climbers. They are so poisonous that even three milligrams of it is enough to kill human.

7. Angel's Trumpets

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Angel's Trumpets can be found all around the globe and are its flowers come with variety of colors and sizes. The whole plant contains the excessive toxin such as atropine and alkaloids scopolamine that can take your life, if ingested in the body.

6. Monkshood

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Many people know Monkshood with the name Wolfsbane. It is believed that people once used Monkshood to kill the werewolves. People also believe that Monkshood was also used by many ancient warriors to kill their enemies by poisoning water. Monkshood plant contains highly poisonous alkaloids that slight overdose is enough to kill human.

5. White Snakeroot

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White Snakeroot is known to be one of the highly toxic plants. This plant is said to kill people indirectly. Actually, they have white flowers and they blow away tiny fluffy seeds in the wind. When the cattle eat this plant, the toxin called tremetol is absorbed into their milk and meat. The people who consume the milk and meat of infected livestock get the sickness called Milk Sickness. Milk Sickness is known as one of the most dangerous diseases. This disease has taken the life of the mother of Abraham Lincoln.

4. Belladonna

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Mostly known as Deadly Nightshade or Death Cherries, Belladonna is also one of the most toxic plants known in the earth. This plant contains tropane alkaloids that cause delirium and hallucinations. About 10 berries of Belladonna can kill you while only one leaf is enough to take the life of any adult human.

3. Water Hemlock

Water Hemlock is another toxic plant that can kill you. All parts of this plant contain alkaloid coniine which is known to cause stomach pains and progressive paralysis. If you happen to ingest the excessive amount of Water Hemlock, it can take your life. This plant is said to have killed Socrates.

2. Oleander

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According to many people, Oleander is the most poisonous plant in the planet earth. Its plant contains different types of toxins such as Oleandrinn and neriine that can cause dangerous effect on heart. Even a single leaf of Oleander is enough take your life. Not only that but also the smoke from a burning Oleander is reported to cause death.

1. Castor

Have you ever guessed the Castor Plants can be the most poisonous plant in the world? But, it will astound you to know that the Castor plant holds the Guinness World Record for the most toxic plant known in the world. Single Caster seed possess enough ricin to kill an adult within few minutes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Top 10 Most Influential Women of All Time

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Yes, the history and the legends are covered by some of the most influential women. The remarkable history of those women proclaims them to be the most powerful and the most significant personalities in the history. There can be a list of hundreds or even thousands of women who've changed the world and the contemporary status quo, but we are listing top 10 most famous and influential women in the recorded history. It is almost impossible to determine the most qualified candidate for the most famous woman in the world, but we've prepared the random list of 10 really influential, revolutionary, courageous and popular women personalities of all time. This is not for sure an official list of Top 10 Most Influential Women of All Time.

10. Rosa Parks

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Rosa Louise McCauley was an African-American civil rights activist. Acknowledging her movements and contributions, The US Congress called her The First Lady of Civil Rights and The Mother of the Freedom Movement. She is best known for her refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. She received many honors including Presidential Medal of Freedom. She is considered one of most influential woman in the world.  

9. Joan of Arc

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Joan of Arc also nicknamed as The Maid of Orleans. She is a national heroine of France and a Roman Catholic saint. She grew up a farm girl during the Hundred Years' War between England and France. When she led French forces in a number of successful attacks against the British, she was only 16. She had to wear the clothes of men and cut her hair short to not be seen as a sexual object. She was so able to inspire an army of men twice her age to follow her. As she helped to restore the King of France, Joan was burned at the stake.

8. Emily Dickinson

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Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830-1886) was an American poet. Emily wrote hundreds of poems. Most popular among her poems are 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death', 'I Am Nobody! Who Are You?', 'Heart, We Will Forget Him!' and 'Wild Nights! Wild Nights!' Interestingly, Emily wasn't recognized that much till her sister discovered her cache of poems after she is dead.

7. Princess Diana

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Diana, Princess of Wales captured the hearts around the world with her fairytale romance, charity works, her marital struggles, and then her untimely death. She was best known for her charisma, beauty, high profile charity work, and amazing fashion sense. She became a worldwide celebrity after her marriage to Prince Charles. She was often called the most photographed person in the world during her lifetime.

6. Mother Teresa

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I think, you have probably never heard the name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, but I don’t think anyone is unfamiliar with the name Mother Teresa. Interestingly, both names refer to the same person. The entire world recognizes Mother Teresa as a synonym to charity and goodness. Actually she was born in Macedonia but was sent to India as a missionary. In 1950, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta to help the sick and poor populations of India. She devoted herself to caring for sick and poor people of different countries for over 45 years. She won Nobel Peace Prize for her work.

5. Oprah Winfrey

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Oprah Winfrey is a talk show host and is also one of America's most successful business people. She is best known for multi-award-winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest rated program of its kind in the history. Her show was syndicated nationally from 1986 to 2011. Oprah is the only black billionaire from North America currently and she is also considered as one of the most influential woman in the world. She is also one of the renowned philanthropists in America. 

4. Anne Frank

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Anne Marie Frank was the most discussed Jewish victim of the Holocaust. She was a young Jewish girl in Netherlands. She is known for her diary she kept during the time she and her family were hiding from the Nazis. Sadly though, Anne did not survive her time in a concentration camp but her diary has already become one the most widely read books of the world. Her diary has been the basis for several plays and movies.

3. Cleopatra  

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Cleopatra is known to be the last Pharaoh of Egypt. During the battle with Rome, she chose to sacrifice herself rather than captivity. Historians are still wondering about the extent of her beauty. She was a woman of surpassing beauty and also possessed the most charming voice and the knowledge of how to make herself agreeable to everyone. It's said that Mark Antony forgot that he had a wife at home and married Cleopatra.

2. Marilyn Monroe

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Marilyn Monroe who was baptized Norma Jean Baker was an actress. She became a model, singer, American actress, has been cited as cultural icon and an eminent sex symbol. She starred a number of commercially successful movies during 1950s and early 1960s. She was ranked as the sixth Greatest Female Star of All Time by the American Film Institute in 1999.

1. Madonna

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Madonna Louise Ciccone is much acclaimed and controversial personality. She is an American singer and songwriter, author, director, actor, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Madonna has lived deliberately outrageous public life. Madonna has also spoken out on how she relates family and private life to her public image. She is considered one of the most successful actresses, singers, and self-made women.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Top 10 Weird Mythological Monsters

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You believe me or not, but it's quite true that Monsters have apprehended our imaginations since immemorial. Wherever we live, our mythologies, fairy tales, books and movies all are filled up with some horrible monstrous creatures representing evil and negativity. We all grow up listening to many horrible stories from our granny or mom. And we still have the deep imprint of such stories, especially the monsters, and heroes. No doubt, mythologies bring the feeling of severe excitement and danger in our lives inspiring our epic tales of heroism and despair at times. I've made this simple attempt to bring together only few out of many monstrous creatures which still exist in myths from around the globe. Here goes the top 10 list of weirdest mythological monsters!

10. Ogre

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Well, Ogres are the large humanoid hideous monsters features not just in mythology but also in many folktales and fictions. Maybe Ogres are the monsters you used to fear the most while you were a kid because Ogres are often referred to in tales as feeding on babies. It's been said that Ogres are the monsters having gigantic strong body, abundant of hairs and beard, and voracious appetite for feeding on human. Ogres hunt by smelling or following the sound.

9. Sphinx

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The Greek Mythology introduced a dangerous monster called Sphinx. The folklores mythicize Sphinx as one of the most treacherous and merciless creatures having the body of ferocious lion and the head of a beautiful lady. It's been said that Sphinx used to ask a riddle to the people on their way. And if they couldn’t solve the riddle exactly, the Sphinx would kill them mercilessly. According to the mythology, Oedipus was the only person to solve the riddle provided by Sphinx. The riddle asked to Oedipus was tentatively like this:
"What creature is that which in the morning walks upon four feet; upon two feet at daytime, and in the evening upon three?"
Many people interpret the riddle in many different ways, but nobody actually knows what the correct answer was.

8. Fenrir

Fenrir is a monstrous wolf introduced by The Norse Mythology. The mythology depicts Fenrir as a shaggy wolf having gigantic body and is often described as the progeny of Loki who was the God of Trouble. Fenrir used to love human flesh and it'd grow larger ever with each person he'd devour. Many other myths are still popular about Fenrir like he'd use his lower gaping jaw to drag the ground while the upper one to touch the sky.   

7. Loch Ness Monster

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Actually Loch Ness Monster is believed to be a modern day relative of the extinct water dinosaur the plesiosaur. Loch Ness Monster is depicted as cryptid having gigantic body and inhabitant of the Lake of Loch Ness, which is located in Scotland. There are many folktales popular about Loch Ness. It's been said that Loch Ness Monster is seen only a head and neck. You would many people who now claim that they have spotted Loch Ness Monster, but nobody can give the evidence about the existence of Loch Ness Monster.

6. Ghoul

Photo Credit: NMSU
According to Arabic Mythology, Ghoul is a monster or spirit associated with graveyards. They are said to have consuming human flesh and categorized as undead. Ghouls are like One Thousand and One Nights old according to myths. It's said that Ghouls preys on young children and eat dead bodies, drinks blood and etc.

5. Dragons

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No doubt, Dragons rule all the tales of mythological monsters. Dragons are of different categories according to different existing mythologies in throughout the world. And they symbolize different things according to the different myths. European Mythologies say that Dragons live in rivers and have underground lairs. Some Dragons can even talk like humans. Some other tails portray Dragons as evil monsters while Chinese mythologies believe that Dragons are the symbol of heroism, courage, power, and majesty.

4. Yeti

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Yeti is also known as The Abominable Snowman and is quite similar to Bigfoot which is said to have spotted in the jungles of North America. Yeti is said to inhabit the snowy Himalayas of Asia. It's also been said that Yeti is an ape like cryptid and is taller than average human. They are supposedly very aggressive and monstrous. Although nobody has reported seeing or meeting the Yeti but there was a rumor around 1974 that Yeti attacked a Sherpa woman in Nepal Himalayas. As it's been said, the Sherpa woman was grazing her yaks and Yeti attacked her from behind, hit her on the head and grabbed her neck. And well, Yeti also killed some of her yaks too. Interestingly, the Everest Expedition Team of 1954 found some hair specimens on Pangboche Monastery in 19th of March. That specimen was alleged to be a scalp of Yeti.

3. Black Annis

According to English Mythology, there used to be a malevolent creature with blue skin, long claws and yello teeth called Black Annis. Black Annis used to roam around the countryside of Leicestershire (England) and used to feed on lambs and children. It's said that if Black Annis caught any kid, she'd mercilessly tan their skin and then she would wear it around her waist. And you can guess that the parents that time would get their naughty children to behave by claiming Black Annis would come! Well, it's been said.

2. Vampires and Dracula

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Vampires live off of the human blood and possess the ability to turn living breathing humans into undead creatures such as themselves. It's believed that sunlight kills them, and that's why they lurk in dark places. Vampires are believed to be immortal with special powers. They are extremely feral and predatory creatures with their canine teeth lengthen into fangs. Dracula is similar to Vampire but it tends to live alone. According to popular myths, Dracula have more ancient look with black cloak and very piercing canine teeth.

1. Werewolves

Werewolves are half man and half wolf. It is believed that these beasts have ability to transform into monsters at the light of full moon. Interestingly, werewolves are said to live among us and coming out to kill only when there's full moon. Some popular rumors say that werewolves can be controlled via magic.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Top 10 Simple and Natural Ways to Avoid Pimples

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Pimples are the skin problem we all are afraid of. Of course it's the worst nightmare for girls. And everyone wants to get rid of pimples as soon as possible. Those having oily skin usually face pimples more than others. As everyone has different skins, it's not possible for everyone to get a pimple-free skin. But, solutions are available for pimples as well. There are several cosmetic as well as natural remedies available to get rid of pimples. But Natural remedies are always the best means to avoid or cure pimples without any side effects.
Here, we have listed top 10 simple and natural ways to avoid pimples. We do hope that this list can be of some in avoiding pimples.  

10. Have Healthy Diet

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It's always very important to follow particular diet in routine in order to avoid pimples. You should reduce carbohydrates and dairy products. Avoid having sweets and oily foods. It's better to take them in fermented form like in natural yogurt, cheese etc. You should increase the intake of water as it's very effective in avoiding pimples. Vegetarian and healthy diet is essential to avoid pimples.  

9. Follow Hygienic Habits

Photo Credit: Khongthe
It’s always important to follow good hygiene practices in order to stay healthy and fit. You should clean your face at least twice regularly that will help remove dead skin cell from your body. Applying moisturizer after washing your face will help your skin get smooth. Stop popping your pimples. You should not stay in direct sunlight. Avoid over stress and get enough sleep. Regular exercise is another key to good health. Good hygiene practices help you reduce pimples to a great extent.

8. Apply Lemons

Photo Credit: Wikihow
Another simple yet very natural way of avoiding pimples is to apply lemon juice over your face. This will help you get rid of pimples as soon as possible. If you apply fresh lemon over the affected area, it can remove your pimples overnight. But remember that if your skin is very sensitive, you should not use lemon as it might lead to rashes.

7. Apply Honey

Photo Credit: ladyformula
You can use honey as well to avoid pimples. If you apply honey at a regular basis, it helps to stop pimples. It will not only prevent pimples but also helps to cure them. In fact, honey contains antibiotic that reduces inflammation and heals the affected area. Not only that but it can also protect your skin from other infections. 

6. Apply Ice

Photo Credit: boldsky
If you are suffering from pimples, apply some ice over the affected area. It can remove pimples as quickly as possible since it freezes the skin pores and removes the oil and dirt from the skin. It can reduce skin swelling and make the skin smooth as well. You can use crushed ice or cube ice. But remember that you should not apply the ice directly, rather wrap it in cloth and then only apply it in the affected area. Using ice regularly can help you prevent your skin from pimples. Prevention always is better than cure.

5. Apply Toothpaste

Photo Credit: Modernfamilyideas
It's interesting to know but toothpaste is used to cure pimples quickly. If you apply toothpaste over pimples, it will dry them and will make pimples disappear very soon. But you should use white toothpaste as it contains silica. It is advisable that you should apply toothpaste after applying ice over pimples. Then rinse off the toothpaste after 20 minutes. Toothpaste also helps to reduce swelling and provide glowing skin.

4. Rub Garlic

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Using a raw garlic clove per day helps to purify the blood and prevents pimples. As Garlic contains sulphur which works like an antiseptic and antioxidant. Garlic also works as antiviral and antifungal agent. Rubbing garlic over your pimples makes them vanish very quickly. After rubbing your face with garlic, leave it for five minutes and then wash your face. You can repeat this process five times or more to get faster results.  

3. Apply Baking Soda

Photo Credit: WiseGeek
You can apply a mixture of baking soda with lemon juice for preventing and curing the pimples. Baking soda can be used in any kind of skin as it does not contain any chemicals. You should clean your face before applying the paste of baking soda. Let it dry and wash your face once again with clean water. If you apply moisturizer after washing your face, it will help you get better results.

2. Take Steam

Photo Credit: blogcdn
Steaming will help your skin pores to open up. This will help your skin to breathe and remove all the dirt and oils from your skin. Taking steam therapy for about 20 minutes every day will help you prevent and get rid of pimples. Use moisturizer after steaming. Steaming is considered one of the simplest and natural ways to avoid pimples.

1. Rub Aloe Vera

Photo Credit: HealthyDuniya
Another simple and natural way to avoid pimples is Aloe Vera. Rubbing Aloe Vera is considered one of the great ways to treat pimples. This will also help you avoid pimples. Actually, Aloe Vera will remove oil from your skin and makes it soft and healthy. It can be used to cool down your skin and prevent your skin from any sort of infection as well. Many people use Aloe Vera to cure sun burns and redness in their skins. You should take Aloe Vera from fresh plant and can be applied in regular basis.


Top 10 Most Peaceful Countries of the World in 2013

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What are the most peaceful countries in the world? Maybe this is the question every peace loving person has. Everyone loves to be in the safest and the most peaceful countries in the world, no doubt. However, restless wars are going on almost everywhere in this world, some countries are so able to maintain the peace index for their people. Global Peace Index is the measure through which the peacefulness of a nation is estimated.
Here's the list of top 10 most peaceful countries in the world according to the Global Peace Index (GPI) 2013.

10. Belgium (GPI: 1.339)

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According to the Global Peace Index 2013, Belgium is the 10th-most peaceful country in the world with GPI of 1.339. Belgium is free from civil unrest, terrorist activities are highly unlikely, homicide rate is very low and relatively low proportion of the population is in jail. Violent crime and violent demonstrations are very low but is the highest of Nordic nations. Belgium is an active participant of NATO missions and typically channels around 1% of its Gross Domestic Product to military purposes.

9. Sweden (GPI: 1.319)

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Sweden performs impressively fourth of the 162 countries in terms of internal peace. There's no civil unrest. Talking about crime and homicide, it's extremely low crime and homicide rates in Sweden. Terrorist activities are highly unlikely. The jailed population is minimal. Sweden has long been able to maintain harmonious relations with its neighboring countries. Ever since the Baltic States joined the European Union, Sweden has been strengthening its economic integration in great deal. The political scene is quite stable. Sweden's heavy weapons are mainly associated with the Swedish Air Force.

8. Canada (GPI: 1.306)

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Actually, Canada became slightly more peaceful in 2012/13. In 2012, the military expenditure of Canada dipped to 1% of GDP. The army-budget has reportedly been cut by 22% since 2010. Now, Canada is able to improve relations with US too. There are very low crime and homicide rates, and violent demonstrations are almost rare. With its GPI of 1.306, Canada became the eighth-most peaceful country in the world.

7. Finland (GPI: 1.297)

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Finland remained essentially peaceful in 2013. Its overall GPI tally was unchanged but it slipped to the 7th place. The majority of Finland's militarization measures are accorded low scores in a broad international comparison. Finland has the lowest number of internal security officers and police per capita (about 152 per 100,000 populations). Finnish society is quite safe and secure as there is no civil unrest and crime rates are very low. Terrorist activities are highly unlikely. There's very low jailed population.

6. Japan (GPI: 1.293)

Japan's peacefulness improved from last year. Japan ranked second position in the world after Iceland, in terms of internal peace. The country remained free from civil unrest in 2012. Violent crime and homicides are very rare and terrorist activities highly unlikely.

5. Switzerland (GPI: 1.272)

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With its GPI of 1.272, Switzerland is the fifth most peaceful country in the world in 2013. Military expenditure was 0.8% of GDP in 2012. Nuclear and heavy weapons capabilities are adjusted to be moderate. Switzerland enjoys very low levels of violent crime and homicides. Political terror is very low. Current political scene is stable and violent demonstrations remained highly unlikely in 2012 and 2013.

4. Austria (GPI: 1.250)

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Austria became more peaceful in 2012/13 moving up two places in the index. There's very low rate of crime and homicide. Military expenditure is just 0.8% of GDP. The political scene is broadly stable, with almost no violent demonstrations.

3. New Zealand (GPI: 1.237)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
According to GPI 2013, New Zealand is the third-most peaceful country in the world. New Zealand uses 1.4% of overall GDP in military expenditure. The majority of safety and security measures of GPI suggest that New Zealand society is broadly harmonious. The political scene of New Zealand remained stable, criminal and homicide acts are very rare and violent demonstrations are highly unlikely.

2. Denmark (GPI: 1.207)

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Denmark is the second-most peaceful country in the world in 2012/13 and it ranks the highest in the world for internal peace by virtue of having of even lower number of police and internal security officers per capita. Violent demonstrations are highly unlikely and very few citizens are in jail. Crime and homicide rates are extremely low. Denmark has long been maintaining harmonious relations with its neighboring countries Sweden, Germany and Norway.  

1. Iceland (GPI: 1.162)

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
 Iceland is the most peaceful country in the world in 2013. This island nation is free from conflict. The crime and homicide rates are minimal. The jailed population is considerably lower than elsewhere in the world. Iceland has no standing army. And violent demonstrations are extremely unlikely in Iceland.