Sunday, December 22, 2013

Top 10 Interesting Things You Didn't Know About Christmas

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I don't think there is probably other annual event that influences our lives as much as the Christmas does. No doubt, Christmas is the most celebrated annual festival. But, tell me how much do you know about it really? You think you know some of the most bizarre sides of Christmas? This list is prepared to describe briefly about top 10 most interesting Christmas facts quite possibly you didn't know about. If not all, we bet you that you will find at least a couple of things you definitely didn't know about the Eve of Christmas. Now, here goes the list of some of the weirdest facts HOTLIST10 brought to you, the most interesting Christmas facts to ponder.

10. About Incest, Baby Jesus, and Embalmed Corpses

According to Bible, the Magi brought myrrh as a gift to the infant Jesus. The magi were brought along with gold and frankincense. But only few people know that fact according to Ovid's Metamorphoses that the reason behind the origin of myrrh trees is because of lust Myrrha had for Cinyras, the father or her own. Myrrha repeatedly had sexual intercourse with her father Cinyras with the involvement of her nursemaid. Later on, as Cinyras realized that he had been bonking his own daughter and he even tried to kill her but Myrrha was able to escape. And it is believed that the God turned her into a myrrh tree to release her from the shame. And this way, myrrh tree became the first unwanted Christmas present ever.

9. Mistletoe

Mistletoe literally means the 'dung twig' and it is so named because it tends to spring out of bird droppings on trees once the seeds have passed through the digestive track of birds. Besides, Mistletoe can be very parasitic that often require a host tree to sustain itself. Therefore, when you kiss someone beneath the mistletoe, make sure if you are standing just beneath a parasitic poop twig. In fact, the kissing power of mistletoe is believed to come from the Greek Mythology.

8. Three Dead Kids

You must be familiar with "Rub-a-hub-dub, Three Dead Kids in a Tub!" yeah! According to the popular mythology, Saint Nicholas is regarded as the patron saint of kids. He brought back life to those three children after they were murdered and pickled in saltwater. As per the popular myth, Saint Nicholas happened along the house of a butcher where three children were killed. When he came to know about those kids, he miraculously reanimated them.

7. About the Date

Actually, the Holy Bible doesn't actually mention a specific date for the birth of Jesus. However, most historians believe that he was probably born in the Spring. But if we trace back to 4th century, Pope Julius I of Catholic Church chose 25th of December as the official birthday of Jesus. December 25th is then decided as the date for Feast of the Nativity. There were controversies about this date and Christmas was banned in many countries for the same reason. 

6. Christmas Cat

Do you know about Christmas Cat? Well, according to the old Icelandic tradition, it is believed that everyone must get one new piece of clothing for the Christmas eve. Those who did not get the new one were in danger of being eaten by the Christmas Cat. According to the mythology, Christmas cat is a large vicious black feline that belongs to the trolls. But it's also been rumored that Wal-Mart is considering suggesting that Christmas Cat has kitties who emigrated around the world. And as per the rumor, it's just an attempt to increase the clothing sales for the next Christmas.

5. Breakup Season

Studies from Facebook show that, about two weeks prior to Christmas is found to be the most popular time of the year for the couples who break up. However, Christmas itself is one of the least likely days for a breakup. Make sure if you are in a problematic relationship and are looking for the right time to break up, maybe the study from Facebook could help you out. However, nobody is completely sure why but we guess, it's a lot easier to open gifts than to purchase them. Having said this, we are definitely not encouraging anyone to breakup during holiday season.

4. Traditional Christmas Colors do not include WHITE

Many people are totally unaware of the fact that, three traditional colors of Christmas are: Red, Green, and Gold. But many people believe that White is the Christmas color. The reason behind this misconception can be the whole snow things. But the reality is, White is not even one among three traditional colors of Christmas.
Notably, all three Christmas colors have special meaning. Red represents the blood of Jesus as well as the apples on the tree that Eve ate in Eden. Green strongly symbolizes the Christmas tree and it represents the life and rebirth. And the Gold represents the bright and spiritual light that Jesus brings upon his birth and resurrection.

3. Nativity

As ubiquitous as it is today, there was no such thing as a nativity scene before 1224. When St. Francis of Assisi returned from Israel, he was inspired to recreate the birth of Jesus with live animals and actors. The manger was also used as an altar for Christmas Mass when he was presenting his first display. Since then, the nativity caught on like wildfire. Now, it can be any person or Santa Claus so long as they are in the act of stooling.

2. Statue of Liberty

Maybe very few people are aware of the fact that the Statue of Liberty is the largest Christmas presents ever presented. In 1886, France presented the Statue of Liberty as the Christmas Gift to United States. Let me remind you that the Statue of Liberty weighs 225 tons with the height of 46.5 meters.   

1. Red Nose of Rudolph

Yes, we all do know Rudolph as the red-nosed Reindeer and is the most famous among all the helpers of Santa Claus. But only few would know the reason behind why Rudolph has red nose? Some have tried to give the scientific answer to this as well. According to The British Medical Journal, as they took the samples of mucus from the noses of five humans to two reindeer living in the cold places like Rudolph, the reason why the Rudolph-nose was red is due to the extremely low temperature and extreme fatigue during Christmas season. Interestingly, other eight reindeers had the black noses. Maybe they just have better immunity systems than Rudolph or chances are they were much lazier than Rudolph.


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